| Integrating success.

HPS lighting

HPS lighting in greenhouse horticulture 

With HPS lighting you can make up for the lack of sunlight to promote growth in crops. In addition to light, the radiation of HPS lamps also emits heat. The purchase of HPS lamps is cheaper than LED, but the HPS lamps also have a shorter lifespan. Until recently, HPS lamps were the most commonly used assimilation lighting in greenhouse horticulture. HPS grow light is also called SON-T or HID. Thanks to their broad light spectrum, these luminaires are suitable for use in a wide range of purposes. 

Stolze supplies and installs complete assimilation lighting systems in greenhouse horticulture. We assemble switch panels and make custom-made strand cabling in our in-house workshop. This allows us to install the assimilation lighting onsite, quickly and efficiently. 

HPS lighting projects

Assimilation lighting has been used in greenhouses for decades. We have optimized numerous greenhouses. How did we do it? Find inspiration in our portfolio of successfully completed projects.

HPS lighting projects

Assimilation lighting has been used in greenhouses for decades. We have optimized numerous greenhouses. How did we do it? Find inspiration in our portfolio of successfully completed projects.

Our own cable system: SLS  

We use our own cable system to make the lighting strands, the SLS. SLS refers to the Stolze welding system. We continue to develop this cable system. We have greatly improved the branches of the strands in terms of resistance and electrical connection. In addition, we have given the branching a sleeker appearance. As with the previous SLS version, there are no interruptions in the supply cable of the fixture. Instead, the branches create the connection with the fixture, making junction boxes superfluous. The SLS solution saves time during onsite installation.  

“Thanks to our new assembly line, we are able to make cabling that meets the highest standards and requirements. This makes our SLS products more flexible and broadly applicable than just grow light cabling.”

Jelle Sonneveld

Production manufacturing engineer