Air circulation and ventilation

Air circulation assures a constant airflow within the greenhouse and keeps it at a steady level. This equalises the climate in the greenhouse. The air movement dries the leaves more quickly and ensures that plants can more easily discharge their moisture. This gives moulds less of a chance to develop. We would like to advise you concerning the system that best suits your situation.


The Priva Digital Fan or Priva Eco Fan provides you with a highly efficient ventilator for an in-house serial or parallel ventilation system. Suitable for any crop. The application of these two types of air circulation systems - above your crops - depends on the type of greenhouse you have. The use of these fans controlled by the Priva process control computer provides you with the ideal configuration.

Vertical ventilation

Nivola's Greenhouse Nivolator creates perfect vertical air distribution within the greenhouse. The temperature distribution throughout the crop is better and the risk of crop condensation decreases. This means you have fewer crop failures. Due to the air movement, the crop stays active longer without unnecessary heating costs. The Greenhouse Nivolator can be used for virtually all types of crops.

Air treatment units

A major step towards creating greenhouses that are more energy-efficient has been taken in recent years in the context of The New Cultivation (Het Nieuwe Telen (HNT)) programme. Technologies from closed greenhouses also yield benefits when applied to open greenhouses. For example, air hoses can be used in the greenhouse to mix in outside air in controlled ways. An air treatment unit automatically supplies the right quantity of cooler, fresh outside air to the ventilator. Depending on the desired temperature of the treated air, the fresh air is heated or cooled.

The air treatment unit consists of a large metal cabinet that contains separate ventilators for supply and removal, creating a heating spiral or cooling spiral, a heat/cold recovery system, air filter compartments or chambers, sound dampers, mixing chambers and dampers. Air treatment units are connected to air ducts that distribute the treated air throughout the greenhouse and reroute it to the air treatment unit.

For more information or a price quote without obligation, call +31 85 237 5000 or send an e-mail.