Looking back at 2020 with Jilles Goedknegt

What a turbulent year we've had! Looking back at 2020, the first thing that comes to mind is COVID-19. It has turned many lives upside down and affected everything and everyone. But in addition to COVID-19, we as a company have seen many developments in the past year. In this message, Jilles looks back on 2020 and looks ahead to 2021.

Looking back at 2020

With the first reports at the beginning of this year, of course we first looked at how it would affect Stolze. We believed COVID-19 would also affect the performances as a company, leading us to adjust our turnover expectations. After an uncertain start, our customers continued to invest and we were able to raise our turnover expectations again.

This says a lot about the resilience of entrepreneurs in the horticultural sector. In the Netherlands, projects were nevertheless started and investments were made in new developments such as LED lighting. International developments have also gone fast. It is the pandemic that has accelerated the trend of government investments in local food production.

The fact that we can still close this year well is thanks to you as a customer and, of course, our employees. The flexibility and commitment of our employees ensured projects could be realised. Despite travel bans, quarantine issues and delivery problems, we have been able to realise great projects again. You will understand this was not without struggle. That understanding is also something that enabled us to continue, for which we would like to thank you.

Participation with HAL Investments

As a company, we were able to move forward in 2020 too. As you know, in HAL Investments, we have found a healthy and solid investor with a strong vision on the future. A participation that will help us as Stolze to realise our ambitions. For you as a customer, this means the future of Stolze is secured and we can be a reliable and stable partner for you. A partner with a clear vision that grows with your ambitions.

Strategy 2020-2025

2020 was a year of professionalisation. We have documented a strategy with a mission and vision for the coming years. It explains how we view the world and what role we want to play in it. We have also set down what we consider important and what we stand for in 5 core values, namely responsibility, reliability, commitment, professionalism and service.

The focus for the next 5 years will be on improving our operational processes, among other things. The first step has already been taken with obtaining Scope-8 and 10 certification. In addition, we continue in the field of long-term relationships with suppliers, but also with you as a customer. By bundling knowledge and making systems smarter, we aim for a future with more insight, preventive maintenance and fewer failures.

Construction of new business premises

We have also informed you about our new construction plans. Because of Stolze's growth, our current location has become too small. That is why we have purchased 1.6 hectares of land in the Honderdland industrial area in Maasdijk and are now fully engaged in the development of new business premises. A building that will support our ambitions, where our people can work with pleasure and in comfort, and a striking building that will allow us to grow.

Working in technology and horticulture, we see a shortage on the technical labour market. Young people do not readily opt for technology and horticulture is underexposed. When young people are able to experience that technology in horticulture is progressive and innovative, is in great demand internationally and this technology helps with the global food problem, we think the choice is easy.


This year, we also worked hard on restyling our corporate identity, resulting in a new, refreshing and modern corporate identity with a new logo and pay-off. We have opted for an international image so that we are ready for the future.

2020 is certainly not a lost year for us. As a company, we were allowed to perform and as people, we have learned that everything is relative, that we should enjoy what we have and that enjoyment also consists of small things. That, despite digitisation and automation, relationships between people are of great importance.

Outlook for 2021

The outlook for 2021 is good. The order book is filling up and we are receiving requests again. Around the world, horticulture is in full swing. Demand for innovative techniques such as LED and air circulation persists. If we as a community can now also overcome COVID-19 and the situation worldwide recovers, we can regard 2021 as a year in which we can catch up on the pleasant things and a year in which we can bring pleasure and business back into balance.

Despite the limitations, we wish you happy holidays and a prosperous, successful and above all healthy 2021!

Best regards,

Jilles Goedknegt


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